Menelaus C03 Relief Bronze

For Ring model C03
Engraved Bronze
Measures: 16,7×16,7mm
Weight: 8gr
Made in Italy


5 in stock

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Menelaus is a hero of the Greek mythology and a prominent character in Homer’s Iliad. King of Sparta, husband of Helen, hero of the Trojan war, Menelaus is glorified for his great beauty and for his valor on the battlefield.
The bust here reproduced, a Roman copy of the 2nd Century AD, was found in Villa Adriana, Tivoli, at the end of the 18th Century and bought by Pope Clemente XIV for the Vatican Museums where it is still preserved.
Know as part of the so called Gruppo del Pasquino, there are several copies of this subject representing Menelaus holding Patroclus’ dead body. Beside the fragment still visible today in Piazza Pasquino which had been found in the nearby Stadio di Domiziano, now Piazza Navona, a few other replicas today are kept in Florence: one in Palazzo Pitti, discovered in Rome’s Mausoleum of Augustus and the most famous exemplary visible at the Loggia dei Lanzi in Piazza della Signoria in Florence, found near Rome’s Porta Portese, at Caesar’s gardens.

CōDICEDS jewels are the result of manual processing and finishes that give each object a unique set of characteristics. Therefore replicas of the same model may not look identical and any differences that may result are not to be considered as flaws.

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